Dangers of Rented Moving Trucks
When travelling in or near a rented moving truck you should be aware:
- That the driver does not know the truck well. The driver is not familiar with the truck's maintenance history or safety issues.
- That the driver may not know how to drive a truck safely. For many people, the only time they operate a truck is when they are moving. They may not know how to safely load the truck, operate the truck, or stop the truck.
Dangers of Moving Company Trucks
Moving companies may also present risks of Marietta truck accidents. Specifically,
- The truck driver may be unfamiliar with Marietta roadways.
- The truck driver may be rushing to get the job done, may be tired, or may be inattentive.
Call a Marietta Truck Attorney if You've Been Hurt
If you have been injured in an accident with a moving truck, please contact a Marietta truck lawyer at 1.770.518.1133 for more information. Please read our free e-book Four Common Mistakes That Will Ruin Your Georgia Car or Truck Claim for more information.