Various forms of cancer (breast, colon, and lung) make up three of the top five most commonly misdiagnosed medical conditions. In one study, Johns Hopkins found a 1.4% error rate in pathology tests in patients referred for cancer treatment. Another study found that common procedures misdiagnosed prostate cancer in 6 out of 535 samples. Needless to say, the occurrences are not uncommon and the risks are always considerable.
If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with cancer in Georgia and feel it was discovered late or there was a failure to diagnose the disease by your doctor or medical professional, please request one of the Dover Law Firm's free information resources on cancer available to you, including our book, I Have Cancer...Should It Have Been Caught Earlier?, and our report, Cancer: Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment Errors. You can also contact an experienced Atlanta medical malpractice and cancer attorney at the Dover Law Firm at 770-518-1133 to discuss your legal options if you've received bad medical care for your cancer.