Below are some initial questions many clients have when they first contact Dover Law Firm. The questions below may address many initial concerns you may have. If you don't find the answers here, you should contact us for answers to questions specific to your case. The consultation is free.
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Are symptoms of heart disease different for men and women?
How many Americans are currently affected by coronary heart disease?
Can errors related to CVD occur in the emergency room?
How many strokes occur in the United States each year?
I'm at risk for having a stroke; what kind of stroke should I be most concerned about?
How Common is it to Die in a Georgia Large Truck Crash?
How common is cardiovascular disease (CVD) in the United States?
Can high-blood cholesterol lead to cardiovascular disease?
Is there a connection between diabetes and liver cancer?
Who is to blame for my surgical error?
How common are wrong-site surgical errors?
What Should I Expect When I Call a Smyrna Injury Lawyer?