Though some risk factors associated with CVD are unavoidable, the majority can be controlled in one way or another. By counteracting certain modifiable risk factors, you can help prevent the onset of CVD.
According to the Mayo Clinic, these pro-active steps should include:
- Reducing intake of unhealthy fats and cholesterol. By limiting saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol intake, you can make a significant impact on your blood pressure. High-blood pressure accounts for 9 out of every 10 cases of CVD.
- Find low-fat protein sources. These include lean meats, poultry and fish. There is an abundance of low-fat dairy products on the shelves these days - take advantage of that. Perhaps the best source of protein is legumes (beans, peas and lentils), because they are low in fat and contain zero cholesterol.
- Fruits & Vegetables. Though it may seem like a cliché, eating your fruits and vegetables can significantly help reduce your risk of CVD. They can also aid your CVD prevention indirectly - by making you less hungry for high-fat foods.
- Whole Grains. Eating whole grain food can play a huge role in keeping your blood pressure from getting too high.
- Toss the Sodium. As previously noted, high-blood pressure is the most common form of CVD, and excess sodium intake can make high-blood pressure very likely.
- Eat less. Cutting down on your portions may be difficult for many, but in doing so you can limit the amount of cholesterol and unhealthy fats that you consume.
- Plan meals and treat yourself. Through daily meal plans, you can effectively strategize your new heart-healthy diet and put it into motion. The occasional unhealthy snack is OK, as long as you eat healthy the majority of the time.