Medical malpractice can happen in all sorts of ways. When a malpractice victim successfully sues the negligent party, the malpractice insurance of that person or institution will cover the damages. However, it is fairly common for medical students, interns, residents and fellows to be involved in a person's treatment. That hands-on experience is necessary for those who wish to one day be professionally employed in a health-care position.

Despite supervision, these students-in-training are certainly capable of committing medical malpractice. Fortunately for malpractice victims, all medical students-in-training must be insured with malpractice coverage. Because they are not yet licensed practitioners in any field, the malpractice coverage is provided by the school in which they are enrolled or by the facility in which they receive clinical practice.

These facilities can include nursing homes, clinics and hospitals among others. Anyone who is not a doctorate level health care provider should be supervised by a licensed physician.