Jeffrey H. Dover
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Atlanta Auto Accident and Medical Malpractice Attorney
Children with ADHD, and their parents, have already overcome many obstacles by the time they are eligible for a driver’s license. Yet, the thought of driving is often overwhelming and scary for many children and their parents. The potential consequences - the what if’s – are frightening and potentially life-ending. The hard work of preventing an accident must begin before a new driver gets behind the wheel with good education, clear rules, and involved parents. Then, the responsibility for driving safely becomes that of the new driver, and it is one that the driver must bear alone without the constant supervision of a parent, Alpharetta car crash attorney, or other adult.

Is it Safe to Let a Child with ADHD Get a Driver’s License?
The answer to that question is the same as when a child does not have ADHD. Some children are ready to get a driver’s license in their late teens and others are not ready. Each family must assess the benefits and potential risks on an individual basis and determine whether it is safe for a particular teen.

That said, a 2007 study found that children with ADHD are two to four times as likely to be in an accident when compared to children without ADHD. Researchers find that the potential combination of distractedness and impulsivity can be dangerous behind the wheel. Accordingly, parents should take steps for additional education, impose more rules, and/or consider delaying licensing.

Contact an Alpharetta Car Crash Attorney After an Accident
If your child has been hurt in an Alpharetta car accident, then it is important to contact an experienced Alpharetta car crash lawyer at 1.770.518.1133 and to read our FREE book If You’ve Been in a Wreck DON’T Do These Four Things to learn more.
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