Jeffrey H. Dover
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Atlanta Auto Accident and Medical Malpractice Attorney
Many Atlanta cancer misdiagnosis lawyers, ourselves included, have written many blogs and articles about what to do after a doctor makes a mistake and misdiagnoses cancer. Those blogs and articles are important.

However, this blog post is not one of those articles. Instead of addressing what a patient should do after a cancer misdiagnosis or what a potential recovery may be, an experienced Atlanta cancer misdiagnosis attorney addresses what it is like for a friend or relative after a failure to diagnose cancer.

What You May Experience After a Loved One’s Cancer Misdiagnosis
What you experience after a loved one’s cancer misdiagnosis often depends on your relationship with the patient and how that misdiagnosis may have affected his or her chances of survival. Fear, sadness and anger are common. If the loved one is your spouse, significant other, child, parent, sibling or close friend, then the effect on your day to day life may be dramatic. You may find yourself coordinating medical care, transporting to and from medical appointments, taking on more responsibility, and caring for a patient. In other words, failure to diagnose cancer did not just affect your loved one, but it also had a significant impact on your own life.
Why You Might Encourage a Loved One to Contact an Atlanta Cancer Misdiagnosis Attorney

While you provide support and love without question and while you would never begrudge or resent your loved one for being sick, you can’t help but think about what would’ve happened if the diagnosis had been correct the first time your loved one sought treatment. An Atlanta cancer malpractice lawyer can’t change what happened but may help your loved one prepare for the future. Please call 1.770.518.1133 and read our FREE book, I Have Cancer…Should it Have Been Caught Earlier to find out more.
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