A three-year-old African American boy was struck by a pickup truck Sept. 1 and left for dead on a street in the Presidential Hills subdivision in North Jackson, Mississippi, ABC affiliate WAPT-TV reported. The boy was playing with friends when he was struck by what turned out to be a hit-and-run driver.
"He was bleeding out his ears and out his mouth, but he was not crying," Latoria Harris, cousin of the boy, said.
The victim, Damarion West, is hospitalized at University Medical Center Children's Hospital in Jackson. He suffered a bruised liver and damaged lung.
Boy Left in Road “Like A Dog on the Street”
"It's a hurting pain," his uncle, Zachary West said. "If anyone out there has kids, they want somebody to turn themselves in, instead of just running off and leaving the child on the road like a dog on the street. That's basically what happened: He hit the kid, got out, looked at him and left.”
Witnesses described the pickup as a Ford F-150 model, either blue or green. Family members plan to petition the city for speed bumps where the accident happened. Anyone with information is asked to call CrimeStoppers at 601-355-TIPS.Your identification will remain anonymous.