According to Mothers Against Drunk Driving, Georgia is one of the few states that isn’t part of the nationwide trend of fewer drivers getting behind the wheel after they have been drinking.
The year 2005 saw 562 fatalities on Georgia’s roads due to drunk drivers. While the national trend towards alcohol related fatalities declined in 2006 (with some states seeing a decline of as much as 14%,) Georgia actually had more alcohol related traffic deaths.
In 2006, Georgia’s death toll reached 604. That’s an increase of 7.5%.
As personal injury attorneys serving Georgia, the Dover Law Firm has dedicated a significant part of their practice towards helping those who have been injured or lost loved ones in car accidents. We have seen first hand how car accidents ruin lives and tear families apart. But car accidents that occur due to drunken driving seem especially cruel and pointless, simply because these are accidents that could have been prevented had the driver simply obeyed both the law and common sense.
Negligence happens every day on the highways of Georgia. Drivers talk on cell phones, fiddle with their iPods, put on make up, and seemingly do everything except keep an eye on the road. While this behavior is bad enough, drunken driving is the pinnacle of personal irresponsibility.
No one can make the argument that they “didn’t know” that drunk driving is either dangerous or against the law. No one can effectively make the argument that they “drive better” after a few drinks. Anyone who gets behind the wheel of a car after drinking is knowingly engaging in the absolute highest form of personal negligence.
The results of this sort of behavior are plastered all over our newspapers on an almost daily basis:
Moultrie -- A 62-year-old husband, father and grandfather is killed after state troopers say he was struck by an underage drunk driver.
Cecil Bowers was walking his dog just before 7 AM Saturday morning when an 18-year-old driver over corrected a turn, hitting the Moultrie man and his dog.
Athens - - Police said Lane was riding east on Prince Avenue about 6:20 p.m. when a car driven by 52-year-old Seyborn Gordon Jr. made a left turn in front of Lane at Hill Street.
Police charged Gordon with DUI, failing to yield, no proof of insurance and causing serious injury with a motor vehicle, a felony. Gordon's case was transferred to Clarke County Superior Court, but he has yet to be indicted.
DeKalb - A DeKalb County employee was charged with DUI after a county vehicle he was driving swerved head-on into an oncoming car in Walton County on Friday night, police said.
If you or a loved one has been injured due to the recklessness and irresponsibility of a drunk driver, you have the right to compensation for your injuries. You can’t always count on an insurance company giving you what you really deserve. Their main concern is protecting their financial bottom line. Often, insurers will offer you a settlement that might look impressive at first, but in actuality is an absolute bare minimum of what you should be getting.
The attorneys at the Dover Law Firm have the experience that is necessary to know when an injury victim is getting a fair settlement. If you have been injured in an accident, having an attorney that specializes in injury law is a crucial element towards receiving fair treatment. Don’t let the actions of a drunken driver and the tight-fisted operations of an insurance company keep you from getting the compensation that you deserve. Contact our offices for a free legal consultation today.