Specifically, Georgia drivers and pedestrians should be concerned about:
- Children Playing On or Near Streets: There is a reason that most drivers’ education courses include instruction about what to do when a ball goes into the road and a child follows it. The reason is because it happens frequently and the potential consequences can be fatal for the child, devastating for the family, and difficult for the driver.
- Crowded City Streets Without Sidewalks: According to the Georgia Department of Transportation, many city streets in Georgia lack proper sidewalks. That means that pedestrians are sharing the roadway with cars and that can make conditions dangerous, particularly at night or in inclement weather.
- Lack of Crosswalks: When crosswalks are not present, it can be difficult to anticipate where a pedestrian will cross the road. That can make accidents more likely.
- Speeding: Drivers who are travelling over the speed limit or too fast for road conditions may have difficulty stopping in time once they spot a pedestrian on the road.
- Distracted Driving: Even with the new anit-test messaging and cell phone laws in place, drivers still text and talk on the phone while driving. Our Atlanta accident lawyers continue to be concerned about a potential increase in distracted driving pedestrian accidents.
Contact an Atlanta Pedestrian Accident Attorney for More Information
If you have been hurt in an Atlanta or Alpharetta pedestrian accident or if you’ve lost a loved one, you will likely have questions about your potential recovery. You may not know what caused the accident, and that is okay.
The Atlanta pedestrian accident lawyers of The Dover Law Firm will work hard to find out what happened to you. If we believe that someone else is legally responsible for the injuries or fatality, we will thoroughly investigate your case to determine who was at fault, why the accident happened, and what your potential damages may be.
Please contact an Atlanta pedestrian accident attorney at 770.518.1133 or via our online contact form to discuss your case.