The Potential Benefits of Telemedicine in Georgia
The biggest benefit of telemedicine is that it offers patients in rural areas remote access to doctors and specialists in big cities that may otherwise be unattainable because of cost and distance. Patients go to a local site, which may be located at a school or nursing home, where a nurse is present. The nurse is able to conduct a physical examination for the doctor to see. If the nurse looks in a patient’s throat, for example, the image shows up on the doctor’s screen. Similarly, the doctor can hear what the nurse hears through the stethoscope and can see, hear and engage a patient in discussion. It is believed that telemedicine can reduce hospital and emergency room visits.
The Potential Problems with Telemedicine in Georgia
Despite the cited benefits, there may be potential problems with telemedicine in Georgia. Patients may be less secure in their diagnoses or follow up treatment. They may be concerned that a doctor will make a mistake that could’ve been avoided if the doctor and patient had met in person.
When to Contact an Atlanta Medical Malpractice Attorney
Doctors who practice medicine remotely still owe their patients a duty of care. A doctor’s failure to diagnose, misdiagnosis, or other medical mistake still has the same potential impact on a patient’s life. If you think that you might have been the victim of telemedicine malpractice, please read our FREE book: Why Did This Critical Medical Error Happen to Me? for more information about your potential claim, and please contact an experienced Atlanta medical malpractice lawyer directly at 1.770.518.1133 to discuss your specific case.