It is important to take a moment to gather your thoughts and take the necessary steps to protect your physical and legal recoveries. Regardless of who was at fault for the accident or any other factors, our Atlanta car accident lawyers recommend that you first seek immediate medical attention for your injuries.
Your physical recovery is the most important matter you have to deal with after an Atlanta car accident. It is important to get immediate medical help, whether it is in the emergency room for an acute injury or at your doctor’s office for a non-life threatening injury.
After that, we encourage you to contact our experienced auto accident attorneys in Atlanta. We will meet with you and discuss your case. If our Atlanta car accident lawyers believe that you have a cause of action against another party for damages, then we will discuss your legal options and possible recovery with you. 
For more information about what to do, and what not to do, after an Atlanta accident, please read our FREE book: 4 Common Mistakes That Will Ruin Your Georgia Car or Truck Claim and call an Atlanta auto accident attorney today at 1.770.518.1133 for a free consultation.