How Will Your Medical Bills be Paid?
Generally, your bills will be paid through some kind of insurance, which may be your own car insurance or your own health insurance, for example. However, your own insurance policies, assuming that you have them, may not be enough. All of your medical expenses may not be paid, and you may be left with lots of out-of-pocket costs.
If that occurs, then the cost of your medical bills may be the responsibility of the trucker liable for your accident, the trucking company or their insurers.
Our Atlanta Trucking Accident Law Firm Wants to Help You Get Your Bills Paid
You didn't cause your Atlanta truck accident injuries, and our Atlanta truck accident attorneys believe that you should not be the one who has to bear the economic burden of those injuries with the physical burden that you are already bearing.
We want to help you get the compensation that you deserve both for your medical expenses and your other damages. Please call an experienced Atlanta truck accident lawyer at The Dover Law Firm today at 1.770.518.1133 for more information about your legal rights and potential financial recovery.
Read More About Medical Treatment After an Atlanta Truck Accident in Our Free Library Article: 3 Things You Should Know About Medical Treatment After an Atlanta Trucking Accident.
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