Whether you are injured by a truck hitting an Atlanta overpass, you get caught in the traffic caused by the accident, or you simply hear about it on the news, you likely have questions about just how much damage a truck can do in this type of crash.
3 Factors That Could Lead to Substantial Atlanta Truck Accident Injuries and Damages
The answer about how much damage this type of accident may do, like the answer to most car accident damage questions, is highly dependent on the circumstances of the crash. For example, the resulting damage of this type of Atlanta trucking accident may be dependent on:
- How fast the truck was going.
- How the truck hit the overpass. In other words, it might depend on what part of the truck hit what part of the overpass.
- Whether there were other vehicles in the immediate vicinity of the crash that collided with the truck or each other as a result of the accident.
These factors may result in serious personal injuries for the truck driver, truck passenger, and other motorists. Additionally, substantial damage to the structural integrity of the overpass may result that may create dangers for other motorists and high repair costs.
Contact Experienced Atlanta Car Accident Lawyers if You’ve Been Injured in a Truck Overpass Crash
If you have been hurt in this type of accident, an Atlanta truck accident lawyer may be able to help you recover damages for your injuries. Please contact one of our experienced and compassionate Atlanta truck accident attorneys today at 1.770.518.1133 for a free consultation, and please read our FREE book: 4 Common Mistakes That Will Ruin Your Georgia Car or Truck Claim to learn more about your rights.
Read More About Atlanta Truck Overpass Accidents in our FREE Library Article: When Trucks Hit Atlanta Overpasses – Why Aren’t Truckers Getting the Message?