Breast cancer is often treatable when prevented early and fatal when detected late.  It is, therefore, important to recognize common symptoms of breast cancer, such as: a lump in the breast tissue, discharge from the nipple, dimpling of the breast (often compared to an orange), a change in size or shape of the breast, an inverted nipple or peeling of the skin on the nipple.* It is important to see your doctor for a diagnosis if you experience any of these or other symptoms.

If your doctor failed to properly diagnose your breast cancer and you suffered physical harm as a result of that failure to diagnose breast cancer, then you may be entitled to damages.  For more information please read our free book, Breast Cancer: The Risks, the Signs, Diagnosis and Treatment.

If you have been injured or a loved one has died because of a doctor’s negligence, then please contact an Atlanta medical malpractice attorney at the Dover Law Firm for a free consultation.  We can be reached at 770.518.1133 or via our online form.

*Source: Mayo Clinic, Breast Cancer Symptoms