“Perhaps we can quickly settle this case with an immediate offer of money …”

A common tactic that insurance companies use is offering to pay you a very small amount of money within days of the accident. Do not fall for this trick.  This tactic is part of a comprehensive strategy by the insurance companies to limit the amount of money they have to pay out for claims, which in turn leads to higher profits for them but little or no help for you.

At the Dover Law Firm we have seen so many instances where the true extent of someone’s injury is not known until many months down the road. We have seen many cases, where initially, the client felt pretty good for the first couple days after the accident, but within a year they were having back surgery. Please do not fall for this insurance trick.

It frequently takes time to learn the true extent of an injury. It’s not unusual for weeks and sometimes months to pass before the full medical picture comes into focus. Many times the insurance company is trying to get you to sign forms, or settle the injury case for a pittance, while you are still on medications from the hospital’s emergency department.

If you've suffered injuries in a car wreck, it is in your best interests to speak with an experienced personal injury attorney to make sure that your rights are protected.

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